Good morning everyone, come out and see us this Friday (July 12th) for 2nd Friday Night Out – Mesa – Hotter Than Hades in Downtown Mesa.
We’ll be setting up in our normal spot out front of MaD Candy selling Denae’s Art Prints, 1.5″ Buttons, 2″x3″ Magnets and other stuff as well.
We’ll be there from 5-10pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
(If you’d like to make a Donation Click on the Image above.)
Or, if you’d like to make a Donation to us via Paypal, Please click on the Donate button on the sidebar here on the website. Thank You
All Donations made to us will ONLY be used to help fund our Dream Gothic Victorian House with a Art Studio and a Gallery Store.
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#DenaeFrazierStudios – DenaeFrazierStudios
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